Eye Exercise

Eye Exercise
Eye exercises not only make the eyes stay healthy and sharp. But the wrinkles and bags under the eyes gelambir also be prevented. Movement is easy enough to do every day.

One of the important sensory organ is the eye. But the rush and routine of work sometimes you forget mengolahragakan membut eye. Eye exercises by moving the eyes beneficial to enhance the ability of the eye and avoid a variety of disorders of the eye diseases such as nearsightedness, far away, your eyes feel blurry, painful and red.
Lifestyle and diet can also cause interference wrong in the eyes. In patients with diabetes and hypertension, the possibility of developing cataracts, glaucoma and retinopathy (damage to the lining of the way the eye) may occur. The same thing can lead to diseases of the eye when you are depressed, stressed or angry like.
Maintain and train the eye to keep it healthy is not difficult. There is an easy way to train your eye to keep it to see the beautiful world, by doing eye exercises every day. Eye exercises are very useful for those of you who frequently use the eye while working. These exercises can be done in a standing position, sitting, lying down and eyes closed conditions.
Many benefits can be obtained from eye exercises, such as reducing or eliminating diseases of the eye, preventing tumor behind the eye and the pituitary gland (pituitary). Menghilanqkan circles and puffiness under the eyes or eye bags eliminate, reduce wrinkles around the eyes,make the muscles surrounding the eyes and become elastic and strong, and sharpens the vision.
Should sebelam and after doing the eye exercises, rub your palms until hot. Then tuck your palms over the eyes of 2.5minutes. Follow the movement below.
Head straight ahead. Point your eyes to the top (ceiling), then look to the floor. Perform this movement slowly and steadily 5-10 times per day.
Move your eyeballs to the left and right. Try to look like ears. Repeat this as much as 5-10 times per day.
Move your eyeballs upward. Hold the ball above the eye. Then move to the upper left and upper right. Repeat this as much as 5-10 times per day.
Move your eyes down and hold it down. Then move your eyeballs to the bottom left and bottom right. Repeat this as much as 5-10 times per day.
Move your eyes up and down in opposite corners (alternating), starting from the top left corner to the lower right corner. Dothis movement 5-10 times per day.
Move your eye balls as in the previous movement, but starting from the bottom left corner to upper right corner.
Turn the eyeball to the left in a clockwise direction as much as 5-10 times. Then, rotate the eye ball to the right, counterclockwise-clockwise as much as 5-10 times. Perform the movement as much as 5-10 times. Should be changed during the round to the left, stop first and close your eyes for 5 to 10 seconds. Interested to try?


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