5 Basic Beauty Secrets Women Need to Know

5 Basic Beauty Secrets Women Need to Know

Be beautiful? What woman does not want it. Sometimes all the way to do both the natural and medical measures to be beautiful.
But finding the best should not be complicated or expensive. Experts say most of us really only need to pay attention to some basic beauty secrets, without spending much time or money.

To help you find beauty tips that actually work, like dilansirr from WebMD outlines five basic skin care secrets to discover beauty.
Tip 1, do not underestimate the power of a moisturizer
No matter if your skin is dry, normal, or even oily, experts say, every dollar you spend will mean if you choose a moisturizer that is good and right.
"Sometimes, all you need is a good moisturizer and a mild cleanser," says professor Rhoda Narins, MD, president of the American Society of Dermatologic Surgery from New York University. When skin is dry, any wrinkles point makes you look older.
Moisturizer will provide some protection you need to keep the skin from premature aging. "At the age of 20's and early 30's, a good moisturizer can replace harmful products," said plastic surgeon Darrick Antell, MD.
Use a moisturizer based on the individual needs of your skin
If the normal to dry skin, look for moisturizers that contain alpha hydroxy acids. They can help the skin produce more water. Thus says Crutchfield, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Minnesota Medical School.
If the skin is very dry, he recommends using products with a technology called vesicular emulsion that can produce continuous moisturization
If skin is oily, it does not mean you do not need moisturizer. Look for a moisturizer with a gentle grade. "Even if you have excess oil you still need moisture," says Crutchfield.
Tip 2, sunscreen to prevent premature aging
"The sun affects our skin to produce collagen, and without collagen, the skin will not retain moisture naturally and the youth," said Antell. Received excessive sun exposure, he said, will make your skin wrinkled long before his time.
Without the protection of sunscreen, every day for years can cause significant changes in the skin. Not only will you will notice more wrinkles and fine lines, but also signs of aging spots. The skin itself may look rough, or loose and sagging.
Crutchfield recommends choosing a sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher. Because sun damage over time. Especially if you work in a place exposed to direct sunlight and in a long time.
Use regular sunscreen before makeup. Then, for a finishing touch choose talc powder or opaque minerals for extra protection during the day.
Tips 3, bijaklah choose a facial cleanser
Dermatologists say that one of the best in facial beauty tips is to use a gentle cleanser.
"While adannya temptation to wash your face several times a day (or more if the skin is oily), is excessive and will not help. In addition, if you use products that are hard - especially soap - you can hurt your skin," says Crutchfield.
Washing your face too often - more than twice a day can damage the natural lipid barrier, a protective coat lubricant that makes the skin healthy.
"Once the protection is lost, and the integrity of the skin barrier is compromised, skin becomes dry - which means it can be cracked, peeling, itching, burning, stinging, or any combination," said Crutchfield.
The solution: do not wash your skin more than twice a day and choose your cleanser wisely.
Tip 4, using the right beauty tools for the right job
You can buy expensive cosmetics and the best, but if you do not have the right tools to implement it, the benefits will be lost.
For example, in addition to soft brushes on the skin, but also have a substance so that the product can be transferred to the surface of your skin. If you dip the brush in the shadow and the colors fall, it's a bad brush, experts say.
Tip 5, change hairstyles and makeup at least every 2 years
If you attend a high school reunion and old friends say, you did not change, it's a sign you must immediately renew the appearance of your hair or makeup as possible.
"Ideally, your model, including hair and make-up, should be updated at least every two years - and more quickly if the force is changing dramatically," says Beverly Hills hair expert and QVC personality Nick Chavez.
By keeping your look current, Chavez said, you also look younger and more modern. "Nothing dates a woman more than outdated hair and makeup," said Chavez.

Sumber : http://gayahidup.ini...nita-harus-tahu 

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