The Amazing Spider-man

The Amazing Spider-manafter hitting the continued uncertainty of who Spider-man series passes the output of the Marvel superhero fans are getting ready for a reboot which dijuduli The Amazing Spider-Man on July 3, 2012. supposedly taken from the series The Ultimate Spider-man. many who disappointed why the series was not continued long-only and why bother to re-create the movie that is not bad. not necessarily better results. but it could be Marvel DC who want to replicate successful measures reinterpreted via the cold hands of Batman Christopher Nolan. Nolan style Batman look more tlengas, cold and very mature. Nolan is not the case Marc Webb who used to direct the film2 with special-effect. Webb has only once made the film, which is 500 days of Summer. one of my favorite romantic movie and not at all ugly, but very far from a superhero movie which bin full action thriller.

so yes we are back to see Peter Parker who is now in high school instead. Uncle Ben and Aunt Mary again appeared. there are only a few changes like her hero is not Mary Jane Watson again, but Gwen Stacy. and there are scenes of Peter's childhood where he abandoned his parents. The Lizard aka Dr. Curt Connors appears, lizard man who originally was not clear whether the liver will be plotted as a full villain or not. but it is clear the role of antagonist Nels Van Adder falls on who will become the Proto-Goblin red color.many who doubt the capacity of Andrew Garfield in presenting the figure of Peter Parker who is sensitive like Tobey Maguire who performed well. Emma Stone as well as the extent to which this is known as a comedy star, is able to remove bayang2 Kirsten Dunst as the love interest of human laba2. Rhys Ifans who often appear selebor elected into The Lizard. the role of Uncle Ben & Aunt Mary left to the veteran actor Martin Sheen, namely class 1 and Sally Field. Dennis Leary became Capt. George Stacy, Gwen's father who NYPD captain. Bollywood actor Irrfan Khan while lined up as Van Adder. strange name but the face of Dutch India


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