Sleeping Beauty Tips

Sleeping Beauty Tips

Sleep is one of the therapies to nourish the body. Lack of sleep makes the body unable to restore cell and tissue damage that occurs every day.

Studies from the University Harvad revealed, humans need a minimum of eight hours of sleep each night. Someone who slept less than five hours a night have an increased risk of heart disease 39 percent greater than those who slept eight hours a night.
Therefore the quality of sleep is needed. Here are 10 tips Gretchen Rubin deep sleep that he poured his book 'The Happiness Project'.

A. Enough exercise every day even just walking
2. Do not consume coffee after 18.00
3. One hour before bed do not do activities that make you think. Just write the mailing address does not matter just do not do an analysis of the article
4. Set the room temperature is slightly cooler than normal temperatures
5. Allow your room without light. One study showed that less than an hour of light can disrupt sleep
6. Keep the bedroom clean and tidy when you threw yourself into the mattress

If you can not get to sleep
7. Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Do it until you fall asleep
8. If the center has a heavy mind. Try to write all your problems in a piece of paper before going to bed.
9. Use a body cream before bed so that the body feels fresh.
10. Wear socks if feet were cold


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