Internet Could 'Save' Languages

Internet Could 'Save' Languages

CALIFORNIA - estimated that approximately half of the seven thousand languages ​​in the world, in danger of disappearing from its use at the end of this century. But thanks to the widespread use of social networking and internet, endangered languages ​​can be saved.
Ilustrasi (Foto: Reuters)

Language is considered endangered by a change in culture, a sense of inferiority as ethnic minorities and the pressure from the government. But with current technology, allowing many languages ​​to enhance the listener to rebuild its presence through YouTube, social media like Facebook and Twitter, as well as text messages.

As part of a project to save thousands of ancient languages ​​from extinction, linguists have launched eight 'talking dictionary'. This digital dictionary features more than 32 thousand written words and 24 thousand audio recordings taken from the original lingungan language in the remote corners of the world.

"You can have a language that is used by 50 or 500 people just in one location. Now through digital technology, so the language can reach a global voice," said David Harrison of Swarthmore College in Philadelphia, as reported by the Telegraph, Monday (20/2/2012 ).

According to him, an endangered language community by adopting digital technology can help make the existence and the language heard around the world are posifit effects of globalization.

Some languages ​​are there in this dictionary is Matukar Panau, a sea of Papua New Guinea language that is currently only used by 600 people. Although it has never had experience with the internet, but people asked to have their language on the web.

In addition, there are other endangered languages​​, such as Chamacoco from a remote desert in northern Paraguay, Remo and Sora. (tyo)

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