Facts About Acne

Facts About Acne
Although small, but if we were seized with the same on this one, it's 'annoying' too. Appearance became less cool, so the average comment is ejected.

 know 7 Facts about Acne

1. What about acne?

Acne occurs due to blockage at the mouth of the oil glands of skin, especially on the face, neck, upper chest, and back. The occurrence of acne as follows:

when puberty, the body undergoes hormonal changes with increased production of oil glands of the mouth resulting in congestion and rough break out in pimples on the skin (blackheads). Blockage can be caused by the rest of the dead skin, cosmetic or dirt remaining on the skin.
arise when infected with inflammation in the form of bumps (papules), a bump in the (nodules), and if it happens pustulasi pus (pustules).

2. What are the causes of acne?

Of acne mainly a result of "talent" or heredity (usually in families with oily skin) and can be exacerbated by factors below:

eat foods high in fat
rarely washed the dirty and greasy
often hold, squeeze or scratch pimples
use of cosmetics that are komedogenik
stress (anxiety, worry, worry too much)
lack of sleep or lack of rest
water, climate and the air is too hot
acne in women can occur due to hormonal influences before menstruation or pregnancy
In order for the treatment of acne takes place completely to overcome all the above factors trigger acne.

3. Why acne should be treated?

to prevent psychological disorders. The presence of acne on the face especially, can lead to feelings of shame, low self-esteem, irritability and can affect personality development, especially for teenagers.
to prevent scarring. Cause scarring and uneven skin cavities that are settled, which can damage a person's face is permanently smooth forever.

4. How does acne medicine?

Drugs will release blockages in the skin of acne and acne pushing up from the skin surface.

5. How long is the treatment of acne?

Duration of treatment of acne varies in each person, depending on whether or not severe acne, usually the first 1-3 weeks of treatment have not felt any change. Treatment progress will be seen at least 1 month because of the encouragement of the blockage of the skin to acne skin surface takes about 21-28 days. For certain cases it takes 3-4 months of treatment. To remove stains or spots acne take 2-3 months later.

6. Why acne treatments often fail?

Usually due to patient impatient and too fast to stop treatment. Therefore, although still in the initial treatment does not seem to show results. Conversely, if there is progress, it could still continue the treatment until the doctor said that should be stopped.

7. Soaps, cleaners, powder and cosmetics what should be used?

use of soap facial cleanser with a pH balanced to maintain skin's natural acidity properties (preventing the growth of bacteria)
choose a cleaning (cleansing) alcohol content in accordance with the nature of facial skin. Avoid products with alcohol content is too high, herbs or citrus juice, because it can cause skin irritation.
wear a powder (powder acne), avoid the powder compact as it contains oil
Avoid cosmetics that are komedogenik

Sources: http://kicauku.biz/7-fakta-tentang-jerawat.html/

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