Within a year, Women Spend 91 Hours for Grooming

Within a year, Women Spend 91 Hours for Grooming
Primp or dress is the instinct of a woman who can not be separated. So do not be surprised if she takes the time to ornate.This is evident from the poll conducted St. Ives facial scrubs on the 1020 respondents. Of the poll was evident when the average woman in Britain spends 91 hours in a year, just to dress up in front of the glass. That is, lifetime women take 43 weeks just to ornate.The poll also shows that women who live in the south of England have more time to dress up. About 12 percent of them admitted it took 45 minutes to an hour per day to brush up on his face. While women in the north, only eight percent of those who admit it.Most women actually admit they want to shorten the time of grooming. However, the survey results show that only 13 percent who feel confident with their real face.In fact, nine percent of women say, it is impossible to go out without makeup. And there is one percent of women who claimed to need dressing up before going to work out.Many of them also want to look perfect in online media, with the number eight percent of women choose to spend at least 30 minutes per week to change the pictures on Facebook. "It seems that women today are not happy with how it looks without makeup. As our studies prove, even to include pictures to Facebook, they first have to do the editing," said Leah Doherty from St. Ives as quoted from page Dailymail.Unfortunately, although the British women can not get out of make-up, but only five people who believe that his friend would look better if the dress. However, there are 41 percent who are not willing to tell their friends actually look natural is better than makeup for fear of making them upset.

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