Tiger vs Lion, Who Wins?

Tiger vs Lion, Who Wins?

The fight between the two big cats, tigers and lions, are occurring more frequently than you might think. In Roman times, often showing the Colosseum battles between African lions and tigers Asia to entertain the audience.
Some fights are also held there in the early 20th century, and at some time in the modern era of unintended interspecies fight at the zoo ended with a bloody scene - which certainly would make the children traumatized for life.
But, how exactly is the result of a fight between a lion with a tiger?
Unofficial statement of the historical record shows, many victorious in the fight tigers in ancient Rome, and in the battle today is like that, though not always.
Lions and tigers have their respective advantages, and the "outcome of a battle depends solely on individual animals: his experience, fighting styles and physiology," said Craig Saffoe, a biologist at the Smithsonian Zoo Zoo in Washington, DC
"But if I were to bet, I'll bet for the tiger," said Craig told Life's Little Mysteries.
First, although certain types of tigers larger than lions anywhere, both species are usually almost as large. Despite its size varies, Craig said that the average adult African male lion and Bengal tiger adult male weighs around 400 to 420 pounds (180-190 kg).
Mane (mane) lion gives a physical advantage. According to Craig, is a natural armor to protect their necks. Male lion was designed to fight. "Lions are more social than a tiger, so when growing up, the lion would be more play-style battles as they train to become a dominant lion, while the tiger can pass through life without experiencing even a single fight," he said.
Although the experience will make the fight more formidable old lion, but also the social nature of its greatest weaknesses when fighting with a tiger.
According to the Lion Research Center at the University of Minnesota, a collection of three male lions usually fight as a group when there are disturbing their territory, while the tigers always do it yourself. Instincts of those differences affect both the big cat species.
"What I saw of their tigers are more aggressive, they directly target the neck, they intend to kill," said Craig. "While the lion's more like, 'I want to hit you and a little play with you.' The lion probably had little to play because they have the care of another lion. "
"The tiger can not be like that. Maybe they are conditioned by evolution to not depend on the help of anyone and always wanted to kill quickly."
Sadism that gives the excess tiger.
Before we conclude, is useful to include other big cats into the arena. What are the chances against American jaguars lion or tiger? How does a leopard or cheetah?
According to Craig, the ranking of the big cats are as follows: At the top there is a tiger, lion, and jaguar, and after them from the very top is the leopard, cougar, snow leopard, and cheetah. "The battle of the most interesting may be the large Bengal tiger with a large male jaguar, because both animals have the temperament, speed, size, and strength are almost the same," said Craig.
The leopard is a black horse. "Do not underestimate the leopard. They are small but very powerful and accomplished fighter," said Craig. "Who knows, maybe a leopard can turn into a killing machine and subvert the lion or the tiger".


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