invisibility cloaks

invisibility cloaks

Throughout the history of advanced camouflage, we should not ignore the solution that nature has provided. An object is said to be visible, if it can not be distinguished - or at least difficult to distinguish - from the surrounding environment. Many animals and insects that physically has evolved in a unique form to blend with their environment, making it difficult for predators (animals, not foreign) to find them.

But for some animals such as chameleons and squid, can dynamically change their physical appearance, could almost disappear in any changes in the environment where it is located. This type of camouflage is similar to an optical device that was created by a Japanese scientist from Keio University: Professor Susumu Tachi, which can provide transparency effects to people or objects.
The technology is named Retro-reflective Projection Technology (RPT)
He hopes the development of this technology will be very useful for surgeons who are usually frustrated by their own hands or surgical alat-alat/perangkat blocking their view at the time were conducting operations or to the pilots who wish cockpit floors transparent it seemed at the time landing.

The photo was taken looking through the viewfinder that uses a combination of moving images taken from the back of the wearer to give a transparent effect.


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