April 2014, Windows XP Finished!

April 2014, Windows XP Finished!CALIFORNIA - Although time will extend the claim to 'life' Windows XP until 2020, Microsoft is now more incentive encourages its users to switch to Windows 7. The reason this OS version will actually 'died' in April 2014.
Community Manager for Windows Stephen Rose said many third-party software providers are reluctant to extend support to their applications in Windows XP. That is, the risks and complexities faced by users of XP increases. Companies are still using the OS should also spend more for the cost of management.
In addition to eliminating all the security updates for XP, Microsoft is also trying to redirect users to leave XP with Internet Explorer 9 new browser that does not support the OS. IE9 can run on versions of Vista or Windows 7. Similarly, as reported by Yahoo News, Wednesday (13/07/2011).
Of course, the persistence Microsoft invites users to leave due to the presence XP version of Windows 7, which has allegedly been used by 27 percent PC. In fact, Microsoft expected to glide newest OS, Windows 8, next year. According to Rose, Windows 7 has now been adopted by several major corporations including Boeing, Dell, Samsung and BMW.
Even so, according to data from Net Applications, XP users are still very much. Currently XP is still used by 51 percent of all PCs in the world. Some analysts also predict that the XP computers represent approximately 60 percent of the company.Meanwhile, research firm Gartner warns that more than 50 percent of organizations that do not begin to adopt Windows 7 in early 2012 there will not be complete until the process is there support for XP is really over. They seem quite willing to pay extra to keep Windows XP.
Analyst for the Information Technology Intelligence Corp. Laura DiDio reminded not to force Microsoft XP users migrate to the new OS before it is completely ready. According to him, "Division of IT in many companies is quite concerned with the problems faced by XP, but as long as the OS is still running, they're quite satisfied."
Most of the other users, according to DiDio, will wait until 2014, or even up to the launch of Windows 8 next year, before finally upgrade their computer operating systems.


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