Caution 5 error while showering

Caution 5 error while showeringSince the first until now it was thought a shower was a useful therapy for the mind to relax and cleanse the body if done properly. But there are some people even made a mistake in the bath. Some other benefits of a shower is to help circulation, relieve stress, soothe sore leg muscles and relieve joint inflammation pain.
Here are some of the mistakes made by a person while showering, namely:
A. Bath with a shower filter is dirty.Bath using a shower can make the body become more relaxed, but only a few people who noticed it running clean filter. Researchers found about 80 percent of germs contained in the shower or methylobacteria sphingomonads family. The bacteria can infect open wounds, attacks the immune system is weak, urinary tract infections and pneumonia.
2. Soak in chlorinated water.Bathing with chlorinated water can be very dangerous, especially if the water is warm water. Because the warm water will open pores and vapor of water would be inhaled into the body. For that use a filter or filters in the shower and faucets are also used.
3. Clean the tub with toxic chemicals.A variety of cleaners used to clean the tub containing hazardous materials that are sometimes associated with cancer, reproductive problems and also damage the central nervous sisem. If such material is harmful, then there might be residue left behind and mingled with the bath water.
4. Just use the shower gel alone.Generally, shower gel on the market contain ingredients linked to reproductive organ toxicity, allergy, disorders of the immune system, nerves and other organs sisem.
5. Shower with hot water.Using a water bath is too hot can be harmful to the skin, which causes blisters or dry. Therefore, use warm water only, when using the shower (shower), set temperature to prevent overheating.


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