Avoid Sleep Using AC

Avoid Sleep Using ACA study in Singapore showed that sleeping with the AC at night, and shut all the windows, can cause not excited after awakening. This was stated by Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering, National University of Singapore Wang Nuoxian who has spent over two years to examine the sleep habits of 300 Singaporeans.
The results of this study found, bahwasannya when large numbers of people turn on air conditioner, used to shut the window, in order to save electricity, but it can actually lead to the accumulation of carbon dioxide into the room, causing their heads throbbing headache when I wake in the morning, and dispirited.
It was also found that people who sleep with the AC, there are nearly 4 in 10 people will experience dry skin problems, while those who slept only with a fan without turning on the AC, not more than 1 in 10 people can be such a problem arises.
The same is expressed by Dr.. Wendra Ali. Sp.S, neurologist at Bintaro International Hospital. According to him, the temperature is too cold and the direct blast of air from the air conditioner or fan on the face, head and neck in a long time (eg during the night), can cause some neurological disorders. Variety of disorders that include:Bell's Palsy (Facial Paralysis Sesisi)
This disease causes swelling of the facial nerve (the nerve-7) to one side. Usually the patient will feel pain in one eye when washing your face, because the eye can not be screwed. He also difficult to rinse, mouth oblique / oblique, slurred speech, while drinking the water would runny, and the taste of the tongue is reduced. Recent discovery suggests the possibility of viral infection carried by air or wind. This disease is common and usually affects adolescents and young adults. When it occurs in older people should think about possible symptoms of stroke. Bell's palsy can be cured if treated quickly. With drug therapy can anti-inflamasi/antiedema, antivirus, and vitamin nerves. Patients should also do exercises to face (facial exercise). The patient will usually recover within 1-6 weeks.Torticollis (neck tengang)
Diseases that can be caused by one pillow is usually the case when people wake up. Patients feel stiff neck, can not look to one side, as well as shocking pain when forced to move. When talking or coughing will be sore. The disease can be treated with injections at points of pain in the neck as well as anti-inflammatory drug administration. If necessary, can be therapeutic heating.Frozen Shoulder (Frozen Shoulder)
This disease usually occurs in the morning when I wake up. Patients are not able to brush my teeth and comb my hair because of shoulder pain wrist when the arm lifted or moved. If not treated it will restrict the movement of the shoulder, and when the disease is chronic surgery needs to be done. Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication, and injections of the wrist antinyeri shoulder. Also need to warm up plus exercise therapy shoulder.Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disease with symptoms of tingling and pain in the hand, especially the first three fingers (thumb, forefinger and middle finger). Symptoms may be more pronounced at night in air-conditioned space. The symptoms were caused by swelling of the nerve that passes through the tunnel in the wrist. This disease can be cured if treated quickly. Wendra doctor added, the cold air conditioner harmful to patients with rheumatoid arthritis. In people with migraine also, AC can trigger a relapse.
However, Wang Nuoxiang give way antidotes, if you want to prevent the side effects of this AC, it is very easy, namely: When closing the window, leaving some reproach, so that fresh air into the room. The more they are using the AC separation.


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