1. Personality disorder in the form of emotions explode intermittently at the time online - as easily offended rage (Intermittent Explosive Disorder Online / OIED)
people who suffer from this disorder appear normal at first. A few days or hours before they could have done talks funny or warm comments. But some time later turned angry and cursing caused something to offend him.
Why is it could happen on the Internet?
Most of us can resist the desire to do so in the real world, which if done might be led to a fist to the face.
In most Internet users hiding his true identity, so they are free to blow off steam without fear and anger into a bad reputation.
Since the disclosure of feelings in written form often looks flat and does not clearly describe the emotions, as well as tone of voice, facial expressions and body language during face to face, so people tend to use words that are sharp, rough and hard to represent a feelings.
2. Low tolerance for defeat in the forum (Forum Low frustration tolerance / LFFT)
Described as someone who is looking for immediate gratification or the avoidance of pain immediately. At first similar to the behavior of the annual seven children who want a toy, and would shout with-stomping beat of his hands and feet in order to immediately get what he wants.
For people who love to write and do a post, often feel that the posting was perfect. the author almost every time to check the entry of new comments provided readers. If he gets irrelevant comments full of criticism, it is quickly it will launch an answer that will break the response.
If there is nothing to comment, he would send his own comment - maybe by another name - to enliven his writing.
Why is it could happen on the Internet?
Activities that make us impatient, wanting to immediately see the response from other parties. This impatience minimize tolerance to attacks that cause offense.
3. Munchausen on the Internet - a storyteller to evoke pity (Munchausen Syndrome)
a condition in which a person deliberately makes a lie, mimic, exacerbate the situation, or that ill affects oneself in order to be treated as sick people.
Why did it happen on the internet?
Very easy to lie in real life, and ten times easier to do on the internet, because no one could check the correctness of the facts
4. Personality disorders who are tempted to force other people at online (Online Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder / OOCPD)
This type of personality disorder can be explained with an example of grammar insanity. When people find a grammatical error or incorrect spelling of others in a post or comment, then he went on strike and protested loudly.
Why such things happen on the internet?
In fact, people with OCPD feel an illogical fear of a messy world, dirtier and more chaotic than that he should think; so quickly things get worse, and would be devastated to have someone fix it.
On the Internet, after reading all the comments, a normal person would suffer the same fate. Incorrect grammar, incorrect word choices, or slang that is confusing, urging you to correct it. Not difficult to feel the desire to train yourself to use the correct language
5. Cyber Low Self-Esteem (LCSE) or self-esteem is low (As someone who hates everyone, but no one left)
In real life this is called self-demeaning or attention seeking behavior.
If it gets to the extreme, it can turn into Online Erotic Humiliation or online sexual harassment, where harassment into a real action. So when you tell someone to perform a sexual act, maybe he will think it's important and he was seriously going to do it.
Why did it happen on the Internet?
Attention seekers get what they want, and self penghina get enough tension to actualize her intropet through signals sent via the keyboard.
6. Internet Asperger's Syndrome
the loss of all social rules and empathy in a person, because for no reason other than just by chance dealing with an inanimate object; communicate via the keyboard and monitor at a time.
This syndrome is a subtle form of autism that looks a biological inability to show empathy for other human beings, probably due to the inability to recognize nonverbal cues. They are constantly acting strange and disturbing because they did not know that you are distracted. There are parts of their brain damaged.
(A few cases of suicide were recorded with a webcam - which some might fool around - and published on the Internet. For now we may not believe that it really happened, but it is really just a matter of time.)
Why did it happen on the Internet?
people who do all their online communication display behaviors of Asperger's because they want to give the impression that there is a loss equal to yourself. In this case, when the ability to see the response and facial or nonverbal expression is lost, as well as empathy. Then you tell it only to people who do not exist, because it's just a bunch of words on the screen. A group of words that does not mean small.
Well, there is no prohibition to surf, but beriternetlah with healthy, keep ourselves and our families to survive the negative side of the internet.
do not let ourselves be controlled by the internet, but we have to control it, by knowing the limitations and act in fairness and not exceed the limits in air internet.Terima love. may be useful.
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