Currently the cheese has been a food that is around us and readily available. Milk used to make them also vary. Even so, there must be some facts you did not know. What are the facts? Askmen.com will answer it for you.
1. United States is the largest cheese-producing countriesBased on data in 2006, the United States produces about 30% of cheese in the world. Nearly as many as 4 million metric tons. Cheese as much as it could feed everyone in the world, including children, cheese weighing 2.2 pounds per day.
2. The most expensive cheese from SwedenThe most expensive cheese made from milk of three American deer named Gullan, Haelga, and Juna who live on farms Bjursholm, Sweden. The deer are tame, unlike most American deer. However, it takes at least two hours to milk them, and it can only be done in a particular month. Cheese made from reindeer milk is sold for $ 500 per pound.
3. France is not a country that consume the most cheeseBased on a survey in 2003, the most widely consumed cheese is Greek. They ate 60.6 pounds of cheese every day. While France is on the second level by the number of total consumption of 52.9 pounds of cheese per person.
4. World's most popular cheese is Cheddar CheeseAlthough the Cheddar name comes from a small region of the same name in Somersetshire, the United Kingdom, also the name of a Cheddar cheese-making process that can be made anywhere in the world. Approximately 8.8 pounds of Cheddar cheese are consumed each year by each region in the United States.
5. Cheese made from human milkLe Petit Singly is a small farm in France who make cheese from human milk. The author claims that the cheese is rich in vitamins and feels like a hazelnut.
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