Whitney Houston cemetery guarded

Whitney Houston cemetery guarded

Ahead of the funeral of pop singer Whitney Houston, safety in the vicinity of the cemetery in his hometown of Newark, New Jersey, heavily guarded security forces, as reported by Reuters.

Estimated to be around thousands of fans will fill the streets and the location of the funeral of singer singer of hits "I Will Always Love You".

Newark Police Chief Samuel DeMaio, begged the fans who live in the Houston area to stay in Houston funeral home and watched through a glass screen. Houston funeral procession is scheduled to be broadcast live on U.S. television networks

Houston funeral will be held behind closed doors on Saturday afternoon, around 17:00 local time, and place at New Hope Baptist Church, Newark, where he became the singer of the church as a teenager.

Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder will perform in the synagogue cemetery Houston, said a spokeswoman for the family.

Houston, who died at the age of 48 years in one room Beverly Hills Hotel on Saturday last, one night before the Grammy music industry event taking place.

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