Durian hooked, but Want of Safe High Blood Pressure? these Tips

Durian hooked, but Want of Safe High Blood Pressure? these Tips

You who loved durian fruit? Almost everyone was deeply loved but thick thorn-skinned fruit is sweet and fragrant flesh is. But there are some people who would avoid it, especially if they have high blood the record, though actually very fond of. They worry 'durian'berdampak drunk on their blood pressure monitor.

Actually, do not be too concerned if eating durian can trigger a blood pressure monitor. There are three tips, safe from high blood pressure when eating durian.

Head of Gardens Collection, Mekarsari Park, Joko Sugono reveals there are three ways to neutralize the effects of eating durian.

"First, who would not go crazy," he said while talking to Republika.co.id, Wednesday (22/2).

Second, take advantage of the peeled durian skin cavity. Then fill the cavity with water. Allow the water for a few moments. Then segerakan drunk. "So, this water not only serves to remove the smell of durian alone," he said.

Third, the consumption of mangosteen. "After eating durian, mangosteen and then consume. Content of vitamins can be neutralized," he said. bidding.

"However, among the last way, is the best, yes the water from the skin of durian before," he added.

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