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Resurrection or the mass extinction of life on Earth could happen in many ways, depending on your point of view. One of a growing view, apocalypse could happen if the pole upside down, into north and south pole north pole becomes the south.
Doomsday scenario due to the pole upside is that if the poles reversed, the continents will move from one place to another, triggering a large earthquake, sudden climate change, and extinction of species on Earth.
Poles can be reversed if the arrangement of iron atoms in the layer in the Earth changed, such as tiny magnets that changed direction. If the arrangement of iron atoms is changed, then in general the Earth's magnetic field will experience a change.
Polarity reversal, according to scientists, is real. History had recorded that the last pole upside down during the last 780,000 years, or in the Stone Age. And the surprise, the Earth is currently in the process of polar reversal.
Jean-Pierre Valet, researchers who conduct research on geomagnetic round, said, "The most dramatic changes if the pole upside down is a decrease of total intensity magnetic field of Earth."
Monika Karte Niemegk geomagnetic Observatory at GFZ Potsdam, Germany, outlines, the process of polarity reversal can occur in the 1000-10000 year. The process was not sudden, and preceded the process of weakening of the Earth's magnetic field.
John Tarduno of the University of Rochester said that the Earth's magnetic field is very influential in the protection against solar storms. "Some of the burst-related particle mass of Earth corona will be blocked. If a weak magnetic field, the protection is less efficient," he said.
Tarduno continued, the sun particles that enter the atmosphere without a magnetic field of protection of the ozone hole can be formed through chemical reactions. The hole will not be permanent, but can last for 10 years and will increase the risk of skin cancer.
Valet, told Life Little Mysteries, Wednesday (15/02/2012), approved the impact. Last year, in a scientific paper, he describes the extinction of Neanderthals occurred in the same period when the Earth's magnetic field weakens.
Other effects, the Earth's magnetic field may damage the weakening of existing technology if the solar storm hit. The magnetic field is weakening itself will interfere with many species that rely on geomagnetic to navigation, such as bees, salmon, whales, and turtles.
Some of the things that occur due to polarity reversal may convince some quarters that the apocalypse could happen. Still, a few scientists doubt it as well. Doomsday scenario due to polarity reversal fully considered fantasy.
An example is the theory called polarity reversal can lead to incredible disaster and seismic shifts due to the continent. Alan Thompson of the British Geological Society, says, "There is no disaster due to continental shift. Geologists can see from fossils and other evidence."
Korte is less convinced apocalypse could arise due to polarity reversal. "Even if the Earth's magnetic field weakens, we are on the surface will be protected by the atmosphere. Just as we do not see and feel the magnetic field, we also will not feel the change."
Do you believe it? What is clear, according to Thompson, changes in the composition of the iron atom is happening at the bottom of the Brazilian and South Atlantic. The magnetic field is reduced from 160 last year, triggering speculation of a polar reversal.
However, Thompson also said that the reversal of the poles can be canceled. Earth is a system that is too complex for the unknown future. In addition, the changes are still thousands of years could provide an opportunity for humans to adapt.
Sources: Apocalypse Could Happen If the Polar Reversed - Forums http://www.indoforum.org/t375532/ # ixzz1mqbNr5mF
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