Entitled Shoes Make The Flat Foot

Entitled Shoes Make The Flat Foot

High heels are a favorite womanhood. Although too long to use heels can cause arthritis [read: Arthritis Reconnaissance Right Shoe Fans High]. In addition to causing the knee and ankle joints become tense, heels also make your feet more evenly.

Media Dailymail proclaim, Thursday (12 / 1), scientists from the UK to find if the use of high heels can cause foot flat. As a result, the feet become easily tired when walking and felt excruciating pain.

Research by the University of East Anglia, England, believes that flat foot occurs when the tendons in the legs weakened by a protein that occurs naturally in the body. They showed that the structure and composition have changed the tendon specimens and found evidence of increased activity of several proteolytic enzymes.

To prevent that, the researchers also central to the development of new drugs for fighting proteins called enzymes to stop the weakening of the tendon. "Our study may have important therapeutic implications that will alter the activity of enzymes that could be targets for new drug therapies in the future," said Graham Riley, the leader of this research. (IAN). http://kesehatan.liputan6.com/read/372033/sepatu-berhak-buat-telapak-kaki-makin-datar

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