Color Dusk Blue Planet "Alien"

Color Dusk Blue Planet "Alien"

Everyone already knows the color of twilight on Earth is red orange. However, what about twilight in an alien planet?

Frederic Pont, scientists from the University of Exeter in England, managed to reconstruct the color of dusk in HD 209 458 b, a planet orbiting the star HD 209 458. Reconstruction was performed based on data from the Hubble Space Telescope.

According to Pont, Hubble has a chemical characteristic data of a planet in a wave of light that can be used directly to reconstruct the color of dusk on an alien planet.

Based on the results of reconstruction, Pont said, dusk in the HD 209458 b is often called Osiris it will be colored blue. As described Discovery, Monday (01/09/2012), the colors tend to be bluish due to atmospheric Osiris is high in sodium which absorbs red and orange.

As the star HD 209 458 sinking, Osiris molecules in the atmosphere will scatter blue light. Known as Rayleigh scattering scattering, scattering the same type as the cause of Earth's sky is blue. As a result of scattering, the twilight sky will be "lit" bluish.

Imagine seeing a blue dusk is beautiful. But is it possible people go to Osiris to witness it?

It seems difficult. Osiris is 150 light years from Earth. It took so long to reach them. In addition, Osiris is a gas giant planet, how could humans set foot in there?

Another difficulty, Osiris, orbiting very close to its star. Planet's temperature reaches 1,000 degrees celsius. This temperature makes the human will turn into ashes in immediately.

Not yet known conditions that allow for twilight on Earth for blue. But clearly, the color of the sky objects can indeed be changed. For example, after the eruption of Krakatoa in 1883, turned into a lavender color of the Sun and the Moon becomes bluish. When a total lunar eclipse on December 10, 2011 Yesterday, the Moon also bluish.

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