It's why the Ocean Salty?

It's why the Ocean Salty?

Once again we encounter the reality of our world we confusing and that there is no answer. That fact is the presence of salt in the oceans. How can salt be there?
The answer is that we do not know how the salt into the ocean! Of course we do know that salt is a substance that can dissolve in water, and therefore into the sea with rain water. Salt in the earth's surface are constantly dissolving and flowing into the sea.
But we do not know whether this causes a very large amount of salt contained in the sea. If all the seas drained, there will be quite a lot of salt that can be used to construct a 180 mile wall height and thickness of 1 mil. The wall can circumnavigate the world in the line of the Equator! Or in other words, rock salt is obtained if all the seas drained will be a big part about 15 times that of all of Europe!
The salt that we use is produced from seawater or brine lakes, springs of salt, and from rock salt deposits. Concentration of salt in sea water ranges from about three percent to three and a half percent. Enclosed seas, such as the Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea contains more salt in the water than on the open seas. Dead Sea, which covers an area of ​​approximately 340 square miles, containing approximately 11.6 billion tons of salt!
On average, a gallon of sea water contains roughly a quarter of a pound of salt. The basics of rock salt that is formed in various parts of the world at first formed by the evaporation of sea water millions of years ago. Because the rock salt required to form a roughly nine-tenths of the volume of evaporated sea water, people argue that the fundamentals of the thick rock salt are found deposited in what was formerly a part of the enclosed seas. These seas evaporate faster than the fresh water coming in, so that the rock salt deposits were formed.
Most commercial salt from rock salt. Commonly used way is to drill wells down to the basics that contain salt. Pure water is pumped through a pipe. The water will dissolve the salt and the salt was pushed out through another pipe to the surface.


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