Inhaling the aroma satiety Just Food

Inhaling the aroma satiety Just Food

That his name would have to eat snack food portions intact. But does so through the present invention. You only need to smell the food you like to be satisfied without having to go through the process of chewing.

A professor from Harvard University named David Edwards has created a machine that produces steam food. This tool is able to fill you up without eating. Fishbowl-shaped machine creation and named Le Whaf have a much more unique and modern.

Machines that there are only two of the world are called to reflect the style of eating in the future. How, you just simply take a deep breath and enjoy the aroma of food that you like, but for now David has to take the lemon flavor only. The experts promised that if the food contains zero calories, so you can enjoy food as much as possible without worrying fat. Apart from the practical course this tool can be used for the diet program is also the tool, is not it?

It is conceivable if the tool is used in a restaurant, where you simply take a walk to smell the food without eating it. Although this tool is a bit complicated to be used when you want to change the type of food, but Edwards believes if the bowl slightly smoky invention would spread throughout the world, especially in France this fall.

In addition to 'eat', Le Whaf also has a similar function for those who like to 'drink'. For those who want to get drunk drinking alcohol but not lazy, just pour 50ml drink to the bottom of the tool and press the 'on', then in a few minutes will create a cloud of tiny droplets that are ready inhaled.

"Drinks with strong flavors like whiskey biesa work well. You simply pour 50ml whiskey and whiskey to the bottom whaffing was ready to be enjoyed," he said as quoted Dailymail. Oh, what joy of eating it without biting and chewing food?


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